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Rules for Using Electronic Resources

National Dong Hwa University subscribes to a wide range of electronic resources, including journals, books, databases, and digital media, for use by authorized users. The use of these resources is governed by license agreements with publishers. It is the responsibility of each user to comply with the terms specified in these agreements.
Violations of these terms can result in severe consequences, including suspension of access to the resources for the entire University community, legal liability, and potential reputational harm to the University. To ensure proper use, all users must adhere to the following rules:

I. General Guidelines for Use

  1. Permissible Actions
  • Users may search, view, and browse content for personal academic research or teaching purposes.
  • Users may print or download a single copy of a portion of content for individual use (e.g., a single article or chapter).
  1. Prohibited Actions

  • No Full or Large-Scale Downloads: Printing or downloading entire journals, books, conference proceedings, reports, or substantial portions of content is strictly prohibited.
  • No Automated or Bulk Downloads: Using automated tools (e.g., robots, crawlers, or scripts) or manual methods for systematic, continuous, or large-scale downloading is not permitted. Excessive downloading beyond normal reading behavior may be considered a violation.
  • No Unauthorized Distribution: Users must not redistribute, resell, recirculate, or sublicense content in any format, whether systematically or massively.
  • No Modifications or Derivative Works: Modifying, adapting, translating, or creating derivative works based on subscribed content is not allowed. This includes altering text, removing copyright notices, or converting content into searchable files or platforms.
  • No Commercial Use: Content may only be used for academic purposes. Commercial use, such as reselling or republishing content for profit, is strictly prohibited.

II. Account Security and Sharing Restrictions

  1. Protect Account Credentials
  • Users must not share their accounts or passwords with others.
  • Unauthorized use of someone else’s account is strictly forbidden.
  1. No Sharing on Open Platforms
  • Users must not post licensed content on open-access websites or social networking platforms.

III. Digital and Physical Copy Restrictions

  1. Prohibited Distribution via Digital Media

  • Transmitting or sharing content through electronic tools (e.g., email, USB drives, cloud storage, or online platforms) to unauthorized users is not allowed.
  1. No Illegal Copying or Software Downloads

  • Users must not copy, download, or distribute software associated with electronic resources unlawfully.

IV. Compliance and Consequences

  1. Legal and User Responsibilities

  • Any actions that violate the terms of use or copyright laws may result in suspension of access or legal liabilities for the user.
  1. Publisher-Specific Restrictions

  • Some publishers may define additional restrictions or conditions. Users should familiarize themselves with the specific terms of use for each resource to avoid unintentional violations.

All users must strictly adhere to the aforementioned regulations and the licensing terms established by publishers. The Office of Library and Information Services reserves the right to take necessary actions against any violations, including suspension of access privileges or legal proceedings. By using the NDHU's subscribed electronic resources, users agree to comply with these terms, and violators will bear legal responsibility.

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