Detailed rules for the handling of violations by NDHU library users
I.The rules are stipulated in accordance with Article 36 of the NDHU Library Usage Rules.
II. The term “number of days” is defined as number of calendar days. Times of less than one day and one hour are calculated as one day and one hour respectively. Amounts are given in NTD.
III. Library cards are for personal use only and may not be loaned or transferred. Lost library cards should be reported to the center immediately. If cards are used fraudulently by others before the loss is reported, the card holder will be held responsible for unauthorized use of his/her card. If it is detected that users access the library with cards of other users or lend their cards to other users, both users will forfeit their right to access the library and borrow books for 30 days.
IV. Loss and replacement of library cards and temporary library passes:
(a)If service or student IDs which have been issued by the university are lost, the Library and Information Center (below referred to as this center) has to be notified.
(b)If library cards which have been issued by the Center are lost, the loss should be reported at the library information desk. A processing fee of 100NTD will be charged.
V. Failure to collect reserved books within the specified deadline: When reserved books are returned to the library, the center will notify the user who is first on the reservation list by e-mail to collect the reserved book. If the user fails to collect the book within three days upon notification and fails to notify the center of his intention to cancel the reservation a total of five times within 180 days, the center is authorized to suspend his reservation rights for 30 days.
VI. Overdue books:
(a)If one of the following conditions applies during or after the return of books, the Center is authorized to refuse to accept books. If this leads to late return of books, the user will also be charged an overdue fine.
1.Books and supplementary materials are incomplete.
2.Books are damaged or soiled.
3.The user has failed to return books belonging to other libraries or has outstanding overdue fines or book replacement fees of interlibrary loan.
4.Borrowed venues or equipment have not been restored to their original condition.
(b)Overdue fines of 5NTD per item per day are charged for late return of loaned books, video and audio materials, umbrellas, interlibrary cards, temporary library passes, venue keys, or other loaned materials and equipment. The right to loan books will be suspended until fees are paid in full and all overdue materials and equipment are returned.
(c)Overdue fines of 10NTD per item per hour are charged for late return of reference works (loaned overnight) and course reserves, equipment, keys for venues, and other loaned materials designated by instructors. The right to loan books will be suspended until fees are paid in full and all overdue materials and equipment are returned.
(d)If books have already been returned, but still appear on the user’s account, the user should proceed to the library information desk to make a statement and complete the required procedures:
1. If books and materials are overdue, the overdue fines and suspension of rights are based on the date of the statement.
2.If books and materials cannot be located in the library stores within 60 days, the user will still be held responsible for the replacement of lost books.
3.If five statements are filed within a period of 180 days, the right to loan books will be suspended for 180 days.
(e)A processing fee of 20NTD per item will be charged for unauthorized use of the book drop box for visual and audio materials. In case of late returns, overdue fines will be calculated up to the processing date of materials in the drop box. Instances of damaged materials due to use of the drop box will be handled in accordance with the regulations in Article VII.
(f)The maximum overdue fine per item is 600NTD.
(g)If users are not current staff or faculty members, the Center will notify said users to proceed to the library to complete the required procedures if loaned materials are overdue for 40 days or more or processing fees for violations and overdue fines have reached 1,000NTD. If users fail to return books or settle outstanding fees within 30 days upon notification, the Center will inform the respective units to take the required measures. These users will forfeit their right to apply for library cards.
VII. Replacement of lost, damaged, or soiled books and materials:
(a)If loaned books and materials are lost, damaged, or soiled, users have to proceed to the library information desk to complete the compensation procedures. A processing fee of 100NTD and a purchasing fee (1,000NTD for Chinese books, 3,000NTD for Western books, 3,000NTD for a single book of a series, and 3,000NTD for visual and audio materials) will be charged for each item. If items are overdue, fines will be calculated and rights suspended until the required procedures have been completed. If students have to complete their check-out procedures and the price of the latest edition of the lost materials is higher than the charged purchasing fee, students are required to make up the difference between the original purchasing fee and 1.2 times the price of the new edition.
(b)Users who have completed the required compensation procedures may purchase a new copy of the same materials (same edition or the latest edition) within 30 days. If a single book of a series has been lost, a new copy of the same edition has to be purchased. In this case, the center will refund the prepaid purchasing fees without interest.
If users fail to purchase new copies within 30 days, the center is authorized to follow the procedures mentioned below. All fees (including book fees, shipment charges, interlibrary loan fees, copy fees, book binding fees, royalties, commissions, or other expenses) will be deducted from the purchasing fees. Differences have to be made up and surpluses will be refunded:
1. The center will purchase the books on behalf of the user. If books are out of print or computer, basic language learning, or exam preparation books in Chinese are unavailable for purchase or audio and visual materials cannot be copied, the center will use the purchasing fee to create books and materials on the same topic with the same number of pages and the same length.
2. Users will be charged for elementary and middle school textbooks which are out of print or unavailable for purchase according to the listed price. If no price is listed, users will be charged 3NTD for each sheet.
3. Books out of print which may be legally reproduced will be replaced by duplicating books in the library stores.
4. Experts will be commissioned to determine the price of books which cannot be duplicated as well as precious books.
VIII. If users remove books from the library without following the proper checkout procedures, damage books and materials inside the library, copy and record materials without permission, or violate copyright laws or usage regulations for electronic resources, violator will be handled according to the following procedures:
(a)Processing fees for damaged materials are calculated as follows:
1. Books and multimedia audio and visual materials are handled in accordance with the regulations in Article VII.
2. A processing fee of 100NTD and a purchasing fee will be charged for each issue of a periodical (users will be charged double the listed price for issues of the current year). Users are required to order new copies from the publisher or vendors. If bound volumes are damaged, users will also be charged for the binding fees. New copies have to be purchased within 30 days (journals published in Taiwan) or 60 days (journals published in other areas).
(b)Besides charging the abovementioned fees, the center will adopt the following measures:
1. NDHU staff and faculty members and students will be penalized by responsible units in accordance with university regulations and relevant guidelines for rewards and penalties.
2. For external users (students of other universities and the general public) the center will send an official letter to their respective universities or institutions to demand the payment of processing fees and a reply explaining the measures taken.
3. If users refuse to disclose their unit or if they don’t belong to any unit, the campus police will be notified.
4. Illegal behavior is prosecuted in accordance with the civil code, criminal code, copyright laws, and other relevant laws and regulations.
(c)The right to loan books or usage rights will be suspended for 365 days.
IX. Inappropriate use of resources:
(a)Users who violate the regulations and rules of the center and the library will accumulate violation points based on the seriousness of the offense. If 5 violation points are accumulated within 30 days, the user’s right to access the library and use the library resources, venues, and facilities will be suspended for 30 days. In case of serious offenses, the name and unit of the user and nature of the violations will be announced on the bulletin board.
(b)Users should use the library facilities and equipment in a responsible manner. Facilities must not be damaged, destroyed, moved, or utilized without permission. If this leads to damage to equipment and facilities, the user will be liable for compensation.
1. If library equipment has been damaged, it has to be repaired within 30 days. If repairs are impossible, the equipment has to be replaced with facilities of the same type or with updated functions within 60 days. If users fail to purchase new facilities, the center will do so on their behalf and the user will be held responsible for all costs. For equipment which is not available for purchase and cannot be repaired, the center will charge the original purchasing price plus an additional 50%.
2. If venues are not restored to their original condition after use, the center will charge the user for the cost of hiring personnel to accomplish this task.
3. Lost venue or facility keys will be replaced by hired personnel. Users will be held responsible for the cost.
(c)Users will accumulate violation points for types of behavior listed below. If no improvements are made, more violation points are added. After two warnings, the center is authorized to ask the user to leave the library immediately based on the seriousness of the offense.
1.One violation point is assigned for sloppy dress.
2.One violation point is assigned for bringing food and drinks to the library.
3.One violation point is assigned for smoking, napping, too much noise, and other types of conduct affecting other users.
4.One violation point is assigned for the use of cell phones in places other than the designated areas (staircases).
5.One violation point is assigned if users reserve seats in the library. If users leave their seats for more than 30 minutes, the center is authorized to remove and deposit property left by users without assuming responsibility for lost items.
6.If users browse electronic bulletin boards, pornographic websites, send or receive e-mails, play computer games, or download data in an irresponsible fashion on computers designated for searches of the library catalog, one violation point is assigned.
7.If users browse pornographic websites, play computer games, or download data in an irresponsible fashion via the library network or computer equipment, one violation point is assigned.
8.If users bring personal audio and visual materials and devices into the audio and video rooms of the library without obtaining prior permission from the center, one violation point will be assigned.
9.If materials that have not been properly checked out are left in the study carrel, the center will return them to the shelves. One violation point is assigned for each item.
10.If users utilize borrowed venues for purposes other than the designated use, two violation points will be assigned and the center will revoke the user’s right to use these venues and allocate them to other users.
11. Two violation points are assigned if users fail to restore venues to their original condition.
12. Three violation points are assigned for deliberate or attempted destruction of library facilities. These matters will be handled by respective agencies in accordance with the regulations in clause XII of these rules.
13. One violation point is assigned for accidental loss of venue or facility keys. Five violation points are assigned for deliberate or attempted misplacement or duplication of venue or facility keys. These matters will be handled by respective agencies in accordance with the regulations in clause XII of these rules.
14. One violation point per item is assigned for using the drop box to return materials on behalf of others and materials loaned from other libraries.
15. Other forms of inappropriate behavior.
(d)Violation of usage regulations for electronic resources:
1. Two violation points will be assigned if electronic resources are accessed by using borrowed accounts or through fraudulent use of other user accounts. The user’s right to use electronic resources will be suspended for 30 days.
2. Three violation points will be assigned for violations of electronic resources usage regulations. The user’s right to use electronic resources will be suspended for 180 days. These matters will be handled by respective agencies in accordance with the regulations in clause XII and XIII of these rules.
X. Users have to abide by intellectual property right regulations when using library materials. They will be held legally responsible for intellectual property right violations.
XI.Interlibrary loans and copy services: NDHU Faculty and staff members and students have to abide by the regulations of partner libraries when loaning materials from these libraries. Violations will be handled in accordance with the regulations of the respective libraries.
XII.The center is authorized to refer violators to the respective units based on the identity of the offender and the seriousness of the offense.
(a)NDHU students: Violators will be referred to the Office of Student Affair, and the Dean of the home department will be notified.
(b)NDHU Faculty: Violators will be referred to the Faculty Evaluation Committee, and the Dean of the home department will be notified.
(c)NDHU staff members: Violators will be referred to the Personnel Office, and the respective units will be notified.
(d)Relatives of staff members(below 16 years of age): Notification of the applicant for the ID card.
(e)Relatives of staff members(aged 16 or above): Violators will be referred to the campus police.
(f)Students of other universities: Violators will be referred to the home universities.
(g)Other users: Violators will be referred to respective agencies.
XIII.Violations of other university regulations will be handled in accordance with relevant control measures.
II. The term “number of days” is defined as number of calendar days. Times of less than one day and one hour are calculated as one day and one hour respectively. Amounts are given in NTD.
III. Library cards are for personal use only and may not be loaned or transferred. Lost library cards should be reported to the center immediately. If cards are used fraudulently by others before the loss is reported, the card holder will be held responsible for unauthorized use of his/her card. If it is detected that users access the library with cards of other users or lend their cards to other users, both users will forfeit their right to access the library and borrow books for 30 days.
IV. Loss and replacement of library cards and temporary library passes:
(a)If service or student IDs which have been issued by the university are lost, the Library and Information Center (below referred to as this center) has to be notified.
(b)If library cards which have been issued by the Center are lost, the loss should be reported at the library information desk. A processing fee of 100NTD will be charged.
V. Failure to collect reserved books within the specified deadline: When reserved books are returned to the library, the center will notify the user who is first on the reservation list by e-mail to collect the reserved book. If the user fails to collect the book within three days upon notification and fails to notify the center of his intention to cancel the reservation a total of five times within 180 days, the center is authorized to suspend his reservation rights for 30 days.
VI. Overdue books:
(a)If one of the following conditions applies during or after the return of books, the Center is authorized to refuse to accept books. If this leads to late return of books, the user will also be charged an overdue fine.
1.Books and supplementary materials are incomplete.
2.Books are damaged or soiled.
3.The user has failed to return books belonging to other libraries or has outstanding overdue fines or book replacement fees of interlibrary loan.
4.Borrowed venues or equipment have not been restored to their original condition.
(b)Overdue fines of 5NTD per item per day are charged for late return of loaned books, video and audio materials, umbrellas, interlibrary cards, temporary library passes, venue keys, or other loaned materials and equipment. The right to loan books will be suspended until fees are paid in full and all overdue materials and equipment are returned.
(c)Overdue fines of 10NTD per item per hour are charged for late return of reference works (loaned overnight) and course reserves, equipment, keys for venues, and other loaned materials designated by instructors. The right to loan books will be suspended until fees are paid in full and all overdue materials and equipment are returned.
(d)If books have already been returned, but still appear on the user’s account, the user should proceed to the library information desk to make a statement and complete the required procedures:
1. If books and materials are overdue, the overdue fines and suspension of rights are based on the date of the statement.
2.If books and materials cannot be located in the library stores within 60 days, the user will still be held responsible for the replacement of lost books.
3.If five statements are filed within a period of 180 days, the right to loan books will be suspended for 180 days.
(e)A processing fee of 20NTD per item will be charged for unauthorized use of the book drop box for visual and audio materials. In case of late returns, overdue fines will be calculated up to the processing date of materials in the drop box. Instances of damaged materials due to use of the drop box will be handled in accordance with the regulations in Article VII.
(f)The maximum overdue fine per item is 600NTD.
(g)If users are not current staff or faculty members, the Center will notify said users to proceed to the library to complete the required procedures if loaned materials are overdue for 40 days or more or processing fees for violations and overdue fines have reached 1,000NTD. If users fail to return books or settle outstanding fees within 30 days upon notification, the Center will inform the respective units to take the required measures. These users will forfeit their right to apply for library cards.
VII. Replacement of lost, damaged, or soiled books and materials:
(a)If loaned books and materials are lost, damaged, or soiled, users have to proceed to the library information desk to complete the compensation procedures. A processing fee of 100NTD and a purchasing fee (1,000NTD for Chinese books, 3,000NTD for Western books, 3,000NTD for a single book of a series, and 3,000NTD for visual and audio materials) will be charged for each item. If items are overdue, fines will be calculated and rights suspended until the required procedures have been completed. If students have to complete their check-out procedures and the price of the latest edition of the lost materials is higher than the charged purchasing fee, students are required to make up the difference between the original purchasing fee and 1.2 times the price of the new edition.
(b)Users who have completed the required compensation procedures may purchase a new copy of the same materials (same edition or the latest edition) within 30 days. If a single book of a series has been lost, a new copy of the same edition has to be purchased. In this case, the center will refund the prepaid purchasing fees without interest.
If users fail to purchase new copies within 30 days, the center is authorized to follow the procedures mentioned below. All fees (including book fees, shipment charges, interlibrary loan fees, copy fees, book binding fees, royalties, commissions, or other expenses) will be deducted from the purchasing fees. Differences have to be made up and surpluses will be refunded:
1. The center will purchase the books on behalf of the user. If books are out of print or computer, basic language learning, or exam preparation books in Chinese are unavailable for purchase or audio and visual materials cannot be copied, the center will use the purchasing fee to create books and materials on the same topic with the same number of pages and the same length.
2. Users will be charged for elementary and middle school textbooks which are out of print or unavailable for purchase according to the listed price. If no price is listed, users will be charged 3NTD for each sheet.
3. Books out of print which may be legally reproduced will be replaced by duplicating books in the library stores.
4. Experts will be commissioned to determine the price of books which cannot be duplicated as well as precious books.
VIII. If users remove books from the library without following the proper checkout procedures, damage books and materials inside the library, copy and record materials without permission, or violate copyright laws or usage regulations for electronic resources, violator will be handled according to the following procedures:
(a)Processing fees for damaged materials are calculated as follows:
1. Books and multimedia audio and visual materials are handled in accordance with the regulations in Article VII.
2. A processing fee of 100NTD and a purchasing fee will be charged for each issue of a periodical (users will be charged double the listed price for issues of the current year). Users are required to order new copies from the publisher or vendors. If bound volumes are damaged, users will also be charged for the binding fees. New copies have to be purchased within 30 days (journals published in Taiwan) or 60 days (journals published in other areas).
(b)Besides charging the abovementioned fees, the center will adopt the following measures:
1. NDHU staff and faculty members and students will be penalized by responsible units in accordance with university regulations and relevant guidelines for rewards and penalties.
2. For external users (students of other universities and the general public) the center will send an official letter to their respective universities or institutions to demand the payment of processing fees and a reply explaining the measures taken.
3. If users refuse to disclose their unit or if they don’t belong to any unit, the campus police will be notified.
4. Illegal behavior is prosecuted in accordance with the civil code, criminal code, copyright laws, and other relevant laws and regulations.
(c)The right to loan books or usage rights will be suspended for 365 days.
IX. Inappropriate use of resources:
(a)Users who violate the regulations and rules of the center and the library will accumulate violation points based on the seriousness of the offense. If 5 violation points are accumulated within 30 days, the user’s right to access the library and use the library resources, venues, and facilities will be suspended for 30 days. In case of serious offenses, the name and unit of the user and nature of the violations will be announced on the bulletin board.
(b)Users should use the library facilities and equipment in a responsible manner. Facilities must not be damaged, destroyed, moved, or utilized without permission. If this leads to damage to equipment and facilities, the user will be liable for compensation.
1. If library equipment has been damaged, it has to be repaired within 30 days. If repairs are impossible, the equipment has to be replaced with facilities of the same type or with updated functions within 60 days. If users fail to purchase new facilities, the center will do so on their behalf and the user will be held responsible for all costs. For equipment which is not available for purchase and cannot be repaired, the center will charge the original purchasing price plus an additional 50%.
2. If venues are not restored to their original condition after use, the center will charge the user for the cost of hiring personnel to accomplish this task.
3. Lost venue or facility keys will be replaced by hired personnel. Users will be held responsible for the cost.
(c)Users will accumulate violation points for types of behavior listed below. If no improvements are made, more violation points are added. After two warnings, the center is authorized to ask the user to leave the library immediately based on the seriousness of the offense.
1.One violation point is assigned for sloppy dress.
2.One violation point is assigned for bringing food and drinks to the library.
3.One violation point is assigned for smoking, napping, too much noise, and other types of conduct affecting other users.
4.One violation point is assigned for the use of cell phones in places other than the designated areas (staircases).
5.One violation point is assigned if users reserve seats in the library. If users leave their seats for more than 30 minutes, the center is authorized to remove and deposit property left by users without assuming responsibility for lost items.
6.If users browse electronic bulletin boards, pornographic websites, send or receive e-mails, play computer games, or download data in an irresponsible fashion on computers designated for searches of the library catalog, one violation point is assigned.
7.If users browse pornographic websites, play computer games, or download data in an irresponsible fashion via the library network or computer equipment, one violation point is assigned.
8.If users bring personal audio and visual materials and devices into the audio and video rooms of the library without obtaining prior permission from the center, one violation point will be assigned.
9.If materials that have not been properly checked out are left in the study carrel, the center will return them to the shelves. One violation point is assigned for each item.
10.If users utilize borrowed venues for purposes other than the designated use, two violation points will be assigned and the center will revoke the user’s right to use these venues and allocate them to other users.
11. Two violation points are assigned if users fail to restore venues to their original condition.
12. Three violation points are assigned for deliberate or attempted destruction of library facilities. These matters will be handled by respective agencies in accordance with the regulations in clause XII of these rules.
13. One violation point is assigned for accidental loss of venue or facility keys. Five violation points are assigned for deliberate or attempted misplacement or duplication of venue or facility keys. These matters will be handled by respective agencies in accordance with the regulations in clause XII of these rules.
14. One violation point per item is assigned for using the drop box to return materials on behalf of others and materials loaned from other libraries.
15. Other forms of inappropriate behavior.
(d)Violation of usage regulations for electronic resources:
1. Two violation points will be assigned if electronic resources are accessed by using borrowed accounts or through fraudulent use of other user accounts. The user’s right to use electronic resources will be suspended for 30 days.
2. Three violation points will be assigned for violations of electronic resources usage regulations. The user’s right to use electronic resources will be suspended for 180 days. These matters will be handled by respective agencies in accordance with the regulations in clause XII and XIII of these rules.
X. Users have to abide by intellectual property right regulations when using library materials. They will be held legally responsible for intellectual property right violations.
XI.Interlibrary loans and copy services: NDHU Faculty and staff members and students have to abide by the regulations of partner libraries when loaning materials from these libraries. Violations will be handled in accordance with the regulations of the respective libraries.
XII.The center is authorized to refer violators to the respective units based on the identity of the offender and the seriousness of the offense.
(a)NDHU students: Violators will be referred to the Office of Student Affair, and the Dean of the home department will be notified.
(b)NDHU Faculty: Violators will be referred to the Faculty Evaluation Committee, and the Dean of the home department will be notified.
(c)NDHU staff members: Violators will be referred to the Personnel Office, and the respective units will be notified.
(d)Relatives of staff members(below 16 years of age): Notification of the applicant for the ID card.
(e)Relatives of staff members(aged 16 or above): Violators will be referred to the campus police.
(f)Students of other universities: Violators will be referred to the home universities.
(g)Other users: Violators will be referred to respective agencies.
XIII.Violations of other university regulations will be handled in accordance with relevant control measures.
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